CO₂ Reduction

IPCU (Integrated pressure control unit)
- Continues Pressure Measurement
- Furnace Pressure Control
- Reliable Design
- Ultra-Low Maintenanance
- Hands-off Operation
- Tailor-made fit

OptiFlame Melting Technology
- Higher Combustion Efficiency
- Lowest Oxygen Participation
- Reduced Exhaust Gas Volume
- Ultra-Low NOx

Oxial Software Solution
- Higher Combustion Efficiency
- Lowest Oxygen Participation
- Reduced Exhaust Gas Volume
- Ultra-Low NOx

Ladle Pre-Heating
- Fuel Savings of up to 75%
- Time reduction of up to 65%
- C0₂ reduction of up to 75%
- ROI in less than 1 year

Rotary Aluminum Burner
- Oxy Fuel as Hybrid Oxy/Air-Fuel Burner
- Lowest energy consumption
- Highest Productivity
- Metal yield