Hotwork International know-how and technology allows the replacement of conventional air-fuel burners with our specially designed oxy-fuel underport burner to replace combustion air partly or completly. Our proven technology have saved our clients Millions of Euro in production loss. Enabling them to pay for the repair for their Regenerator with the money they saved because they where able to keep on producing. When Regenerators are partly or completly defective, so that the necessary combustion air cannot be supplied and air pre-heating as well as exhaust conditions are not functional anymore, the melting capacity or glassquality might be not only effected but the complete furnace might in danger of shutting down. Oxy-fuel Technology and the temporary installation of our special replacement burner including the complete control station is used to make sure the melting capacity is stable.
Regenerator Repair/Rebuild Without Production Loss

Introducing a game-changing solution for regenerator maintenance – ourRegenerator Rebuild/Repair service, executed seamlessly without any production interruptions.
- Collapsed Regenerators?
- Blocked Checkers?
- Increase of Production?
- Cold Repair of Regenerators without Production loss?
- Increased Production
- Improved Quality

The pictures showing the installation of three(3) oxy-fuel burner on an end fired furnace during a regenerator (cold) repair. All burners have fully flexible flame adjustment.
Results of previous projects:
- Superstructure temperature didn´t change
- Furnace operated under 120% of capacity
- Improved Batch melting
- Improved Glass quality (due to oxy-fuel)
Advantages of our Technology:
- Melting Capacity is secured
- Glass quality is often improved
- Investment cost is relatively low
- ROI in a couple of days
Our Complete Supply features:
- Oxy-Fuel Burner and Brackets
- Oxygen and Natural Gas Piping
- Oxy-fuel control station (transportable)
- Engineering on engineering
- Turkey Repair project with our partner
- Assistance with Installation
- Combusting Engineer Supervision