As an essential part of the combustion system, the burner bracket must provide the capability to align the burner on a proper and desired firing axis. All alignments are easy to adjust and at any time repeatable. Burner replacement with spare or alternative Oil (ROB) and Gas (RGB) is quick and easy. The ABB is designed for heavy duty work and gives rigid stability in hot environments. Angular adjustments in the vertical and horizontal axis are smooth. The ABB provides a specific calculated pivot point enabling full angular adjustment 360° while keeping the spherical sealing between Burner nozzle and Sealing Plate. The design allows different set-up position, enabling the replacement of existing installations without changing the steel structure under Port. Hotwork and UAS specialised in supply of auxiliary equipment, including full gas control stations, furnace control system ( DCS ), full automation, exhaust gas analysis and Oxygen probes as well as tuning, supervision and commissioning services worldwide.
Advanced Burner Bracket - ABB

Experience enhanced safety and reduced wear-and-tear with our advanced vibration control technology.
- Full 360° adjustment
- Designed for heavy duty
- Rigid in hot environments
- Maintenance free

Vertical angle adjustment: 0-16°
Horizontal angle adjustment: 0-8°
A new burner quick locking system saves the time and your power during burner changes. Besides its excellent stability during any angular adjustment, the ABB offers excellent maintenance features. If nesessary to change the sealing plate you can simply remove the burner, the upper ABB part by using the handles and replace the old sealing plate. This gives you also a wide access to the burner block in case you need to change it. Optional water cooled sealing plate available.